Thursday, 26 April 2012

Speed dating

I went to my first speed dating event last night and it was good.  This was a specific Sikh speed dating event at a bar in Covent Garden.  As it took place after work most of the attendees were still in their work attire which meant the majority of the people looked smart and presentable.  However, there were a couple of guys who looked like they were going to the pub to watch the football!  C’mon guys, if you’re looking to find “Miss Right” at least make some effort as first impressions count for A LOT!
As this was my first time (to a speed dating event, that is!) I was nervous but the first girl I spoke to put me at ease.   “Don’t worry, just be yourself and you’ll be fine,” said Khilna, a 34 year old English teacher from Middlesex, “This is my third one and it’s all the same.”   And she was certainly right about it all being the same.  Every girl I sat with asked the same monotonous questions “What’s your job?” “Where do you live?” “What are your hobbies?”  By the end of the evening I wish bought my CV along and gave it to all the girls.  One of the girls was SO boring I left halfway through the ordeal conversation to “powder my nose.”
They say people make up their minds on whether they like someone within the first 2-3 minutes, but it’s important that the girl makes as much of an effort as the guy.  It’s all well that I moved from girl-to-girl but it was difficult to keep up my enthusiasm if the new girl I was talking with wasn’t responsive.  I know it’s tiring but, please girls, next time can you keep the happy vibe and not be so negative?  If I do go speed dating again I’m going to prepare some ‘unique’ questions in advance.  Not the boring “How often do you exercise?”  Ehh, what a horrible question!  Why not ask me how “How often do you mas-” no, wait, don’t ask me that!
Speed dating is a good way to meet and chat to a lot of girls in one night.  Last night I met 25 new girls which are more than I’ve ever spoken with in a day.  The majority of them were in their 30’s and saw me as a baby at the mere age of 26 and suggested I enjoy myself for a few more years before settling down.  I appreciate their advice but I would like to meet a girl at this age so we can spend a few years sharing moments and activities together like going on holidays and going to the opera together before finally getting married and having kids.  I know I can go on holiday and par take in events by myself or friends but it’s not as much fun as doing them with someone special.
After the event I did get some success and have 4 girls numbers – woop woop!  I don’t remember a lot about them as everything I learnt about the girls have merged into one big blur.  Over the coming days I will try and find out who they are and try and go on some dates.

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